Acts 2:40-47

Come as you are and join us each Sunday at Clinton Baptist Church where our mission is to grow in our relationship with God, serve our community, and love God and people! We are one big family and we would love to have you become a part of ours.


Clinton Baptist Church now has Live Language Translation

Good morning. Using AI to advance the gospel. We had our first Spanish speaking family from Columbia yesterday! Clinton Baptist Church is so excited to introduce our new AI technology platform for our Spanish speaking community. Come and worship with us during Sunday morning services as Clinton Baptist Church now has Live Language Translation. We welcome our Spanish speaking brothers and sisters in Christ to come and experience awesome praise , worship, fellowship and and a powerful message in your very own language. Please take a look at the instructional videos below.


La Iglesia Bautista de Clinton está muy emocionada de presentar nuestra nueva plataforma tecnológica de inteligencia artificial para nuestra comunidad de habla hispana. Venga a adorar con nosotros durante los servicios del domingo por la mañana, ya que la Iglesia Bautista Clinton ahora tiene traducción de idiomas en vivo. Damos la bienvenida a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo de habla hispana para que vengan y experimenten alabanza, adoración, compañerismo y un mensaje poderoso en su propio idioma. Eche un vistazo a los vídeos instructivos a continuación”


A healthy and successful community partnership.

A spotlight by MedStar Southern Maryland Hospital Center

Clinton Baptist Church's Senior Health and Wellness Day marked the third collaboration between MedStar Southern Maryland Hospital Center and Clinton Baptist Church that provided free prostate cancer screenings to the community. Read the full article at: https://www.medstarhealth.org/News-and-Publications/News/Free-Prostate-Cancer-Screenings

Winning Your Community

Community Baby shower

God's grace was truly evident at the Community Baby Shower Resource Fair hosted by Clinton Baptist Church and Medstar Southern Maryland Hospital. We were blessed to welcome over 500 expecting parents, and first time parents. In addition to the great turnout, we were humbled to witness two individuals make the life-changing decision to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Furthermore, we had the privilege to pray for over 100 parents in attendance. Click more to read the full article. 

We Grow, we serve, we love

Miracles at Clinton

So blessed to be featured on NBC 4 news by Molette Green to promote Miracles at Clinton. God has chosen CBC to be a blessing to families in need this Christmas season. Thank you to everyone that donated toys, electronics, clothes and so much more. Thank you Jesus for seeing fit to use us in this capacity. Families in need will get a free holiday shopping spree in Clinton – NBC4 Washington

Click more to view the full video.

Legislative Citation of Congratulations

Celebrating Four Years

October 1st, 2023, Senior Pastor, Colin Pugh, was presented with The Maryland General Assembly Legislative Citation of Congratulations from Delegates Nick Charles and Nicole Williams, congratulating him on four years of pastoring Clinton Baptist Church. 

"I am so grateful to receive this Legislative Citation of Congratulations from Delegates Nick Charles and Nicole Williams. On behalf of myself, my wife and Clinton Baptist Church we thank you all. We Grow, We Serve, We Love" -Pastor Pugh